Practical presenter information


Talks at MTSA 2024 are of 25 minutes length (with a few exceptions of 30-minute duration, see the full program). A laptop with the newest version of Powerpoint will be available, and we encourage speakers to upload their presentation on the laptop before their sessions. All presentation files will be erased from the machine after the sessions. Speakers can also bring their own laptops. In this case, please check the connectivity in the break before the session to avoid unnecessary delays.


For the poster session (Wednesday 17:30-19:00), the poster boards accommodate standard DIN A0 dimensions (portrait mode, 841 × 1189 mm dimensions). Materials for attachment of the poster will be provided. The posters can be mounted during Wednesday, and must be removed after the poster sessions. We will collect posters that have not been removed and store them until the end of the conference, but take no responsibility for damage to the poster.

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